Advertising the Decadence of Society

Many people would have you believe that the degeneracy of a society can be determined by looking to the corruption and conspiracy present at the seats of power. We are convinced that we must identify the complex and secret diabolical plans unfolding across the world before understanding the problems we face at the local level. In actuality, we need only look out the car window on our commute to work. The billboards we see flashing by will tell us much about the state of our society.

Recently, I was travelling the main freeway in North Idaho (of all places) near the border of Washington, when I passed a billboard that poignantly reminded me how even the most hopeful cities in the United States are still vulnerable to becoming future moral cesspools if left unchecked. The billboard had a white background sparsely covered in bright red hearts. On the left side was the silhouette of a naked woman in red high heel boots with devil horns and tail to match, squatting with her hands between her legs. The sign read, “Temptations: Essentials for Lovers.” The mere word ‘’temptations’’ evokes images of Satan tirelessly working to bring us under sin. And this devil woman—this temptress—was beckoning weak-minded men to conjure up visions of what could be: that friendly coworker you catch yourself gazing at lustfully, the night out at the bar that could lead to a casual encounter, the attractive woman you would like to seek refuge in while your marriage is going through a rough patch. Next, with the “essentials for lovers” tagline, the advertisement sought to misrepresent lust as love and allow the viewer to justify his hedonistic desires. After all these temptations had been stoked, the sins were packaged as love.

One supposed counter to my objections is the libertarian argument. Typically, the response is, “They’re a private company and if there are enough people choosing to buy those products, and they can afford a billboard, then they are perfectly within their rights to advertise.” This is a weak position to hold. You need to decide what kind of community you want to live in and employ practical approaches to realize this ideal as opposed to attempting to bring rigid ideology into reality. If you allow your community to degenerate into a place that promotes immoral practices and provides a market for such practices all because you refuse to compromise on an inflexible ideology, you have done your children a great disservice.

Even if we engage the libertarian position, explain to me how the decision to advertise lewd content to the community at large is not a violation of the non-aggression principle. Husbands and children pass that sign every day on the way to work and school. One has to wonder what cumulative number of advertisements like this is enough to push someone over the edge to viewing porn or engaging in adulterous affairs. Jesus Christ taught us that sin begins in the mind and that we need to strike sinful thoughts down as soon as they appear. How resilient can one be if their sinful thoughts are encouraged every time they drive down the road? Placing that racy billboard where people cannot help but see it is an aggression against their mind and spirit, and an affront to the teachings of Christ.

You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

Matthew 5:27-30

That is some intense language. Gouge out your eye and cut off your hand if they cause you to sin. If that is the mindset we must embrace to protect the creation of God from itself, what then should we do to inanimate billboards and advertisements that lead us to sin? Defending these psychological weapons against man is to side with Satan in the war against God.

Billboards like this and advertisements in general provide insight into the desires of the populace and what it views as acceptable. It is not that lingerie, or any specific product, is inherently inappropriate (though some could be). However, in this case what is inappropriate is the context in which the ad is showcasing the product and the associated behavior it is encouraging to the general public. Similarly, there are many behaviors which are not intrinsically immoral, but the accompanying innuendo and audience it is presented to may cross the line. When billboards of this nature exist alongside the main interstate, the community has endorsed this content as appropriate for all to see.

Billboards of the same detestable variety are widespread; I have completed many long road trips and have seen billboards for strip clubs, gambling, marijuana, alcohol (I find these distasteful because they promote overindulgence, as opposed to drinking in moderation), dating sites explicitly for the purpose of infidelity, and more. I have also noticed when driving through areas more densely populated with Christians, these contemptible advertisements are rare and sometimes altogether non-existent. This is unsurprising since a God-fearing community is intolerant of these messages. Unfortunately, Christian homogeneity of an area scarcely exists in modern America. It is unclear to me if these municipalities have local ordinances regulating the content of advertisements, or if the companies and ad agencies have merely decided their marketing is ineffective in communities of a high moral standard. I tend to believe it is the latter.

These signs and advertisements broadcast the level of decadence in our communities and either attract or repel people looking to relocate. For example, when considering whether an area will be a good fit, an atheist will be hesitant to move somewhere with “Jesus Saves” billboards everywhere. Likewise, people with strong political preferences will look to the signage in the local community as an indicator of potential compatibility. The degree to which we are exposed to depraved advertisements directly reflects the morality of our surrounding community. Local advertisements mirror the immediate community, state advertisements a level higher, national above that, and multinational ad campaigns indicate the global sentiment.

Though the billboards and advertisements plastered about an area are outside your control, you can choose what location to settle in. Note the advertisements in areas you are choosing between and use them as one measure of these communities’ values. You should exercise the control you do have and set up a household to shield your family from the decaying society around you. Within our darkening world, we must use our understanding of the dangers in messaging we face to select a solitary bright place to plant roots and nurture children.

Though settling in a virtuous community will be half the battle, be wary of threats from within as much as those from without. Take heed and be discriminating of what advertisements you allow into your house. These may come from magazine subscriptions, streaming services, and especially the internet as a whole. Be vigilant and guard your loved ones because prolonged exposure to messaging leads you to either believe it or become desensitized to it. Once we recognize the threats to our well-being, we can take steps to shelter our family from harmful influences. In this way, we can raise our children to be examples of morality for others in our communities, and our families will be a bulwark against the declining standards of society.

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.

1 Peter 5:8-9

Much of what we put in front of our eyes is in our control. If we avoid constantly bombarding ourself with morally corrupt material, we will be spiritually strong enough to weather the onslaught of advertisements we face out in the world. When we become aware of the filth that is present among us, we should not grow despondent, but instead be thankful for the clear sight God has given us. Therefore, take action and refrain from despair. We have been given eyes to see these advertisements for what they are. We can give thanks that these roadside billboards show us places to avoid as we live through this desolation of morality. Pray for strength that you remain unaffected by their allure and remember that you walk under the protection of God.

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  1. Free2ChaseHappy May 31, 2021 at 9:09 am

    Beautifully written. A strong society cannot without spiritually strong men. The world never stops at shifting the overton window and inverting truth, what was wrong and evil is now considered right and good, and worse, something to be celebrated and hailed as the next big leap for humanity. Despite all, I can’t help but have hope, none of this is new, the only difference is now we are given eyes to see and God can bring forth the change through His children.


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