The Importance of Proper Tool Care

A boy’s journey to manhood is often paralleled by the growth of his tool collection. A healthy tool kit indicates a man is a provider with the funds to purchase and use his tools to accomplish a variety of tasks. Merely owning a healthy amount of tools will generously bolster your image, but the keeping and maintenance of these tools can further reflect your strengths, or deficiencies. As a man, the value other men place on you should be a chief concern; properly caring for your tools is one way to improve your position.

Tool care is primarily an issue of practicality because it takes both time and money to amass a large collection. It is imperative you avoid buying tools you already own, and that you prevent them from deteriorating into a state of disrepair. A meticulous tool set serves to not only aid the locating of tools, but also prevent the costly tendency of purchasing duplicates when the necessary tool is MIA. Be sure to service your tools regularly and store them away from the elements so they are in proper working order when needed.

Put to good use, your tools can earn you a considerable amount of money either directly through hired jobs, or indirectly in DIY cost savings. However, buying a tool is sometimes undesirable if it exceeds your current budget, or if the job is very specific and the tool may go unused afterward. You may want to borrow tools from a friend or family member to complete a project. When the time comes, ask politely for permission and return tools in better condition than you found them, or neatly put them away yourself. Use them as if they were your own (you know what I mean). You don’t want other men to say of you, “I’ll never loan tools to him again. He broke three of my drill bits and didn’t even replace them.” Instead, you want them to say, “You should definitely lend him your socket set. He borrowed my chainsaw last month and returned it to me with the chain sharpened and lubed, and the tank full.” The aforementioned lender of the abused tools highlights an important lesson: always replace anything you break (tool components, or the entire assembly) immediately, and without discussing the matter with the owner (even if you received it in poor condition). Furthermore, giving a tune up to a borrowed tool is optional, but a nice touch. Even a light cleaning to ensure the tool is no more visibly used than before is recommended. However, replacing consumed items is an absolute must. This most often is fuel, but could include other consumables (e.g. weed whacker string). Tool rentals are one instance where you have no obligation to perform a tune up, as maintenance is considered in the cost of the rental. Though maintenance is included, refrain from thrashing rental tools. Remember, Jesus was a carpenter and a stonemason, and thus a tool user; He famously taught us to treat others’ tools as we would have our tools be treated. It’s somewhere in there.

When you have borrowed much, you should lend more. Don’t forget where you came from. Realize that you should pay it forward to some other broke guy out there who needs tools too. Lend your tools freely, but use sound judgment (certainly, refuse people who repeatedly misuse your tools). Presumably, men using tools will be, or will become, useful in some regard; loaning your tools will build comradery with them and expand your network of helpful friends. These men will be grateful for your help and their view of you will improve. This is a good thing; you should always be striving to grow your stock in the community.

The manner in which you tend to your tools is an outward reflection of yourself, good or bad, even if it is undeserving. It is how you appear to other men. The main reason proper tool care benefits your image, is because it evokes a likeness of the ideal man in the minds of observers. A man who maintains his tools is viewed as dependable because he likely can be called upon to fix something. By wielding a strong knowledge of tools, you will also be respected by other men who know they can call on your skills in the future. However, one thing that will degrade your social capital is a disorganized and neglected tool shed. If your tools are in chaos, what else is? Structure and order are states of the masculine, and an orderly tool kit indicates a disciplined man. The care of your tools portrays the type of man you are to other men. Ensure this portrayal is a positive one.

As you embrace this new perspective on tool care, recognize that much of this can be applied your other possessions; everything we have discussed extends to cars, appliances, instruments, and any equipment not typically classified as a tool. Aside from the external benefits of this mindset, care of your tools will give you a sense of pride as these become your most cherished possessions. When you understand the importance of building your value in the eyes of men, you will understand why it is essential to properly care for and handle your tools. By refining this area of your masculinity, you increase your prestige in the surrounding community and boost confidence in your ability to provide. It is possible the measure of a man can be estimated by simply considering the quality of his tool collection.

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  1. Jeff May 6, 2021 at 12:29 am

    I like your tool post.
    As well as renting tools because of the cost of purchasing new, there is alway the option of pawn shops and OfferUp. But buyer beware. Just a thought. 👍🏻

    1. Daniel May 6, 2021 at 9:18 am

      I completely agree. I was thinking I would write a follow-up article addressing how to acquire tools in ways other than discussed here. Thank you for the feedback!

  2. Free2ChaseHappy May 6, 2021 at 8:42 am

    Amazing article! It says a lot about a man’s character, how he take care of family, friends, and his belongings (tools)!

    1. Daniel May 6, 2021 at 9:20 am

      Glad you enjoyed it!


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